Community representatives of FoNPAM Forum and stakeholders met to review and revise CLM community feedback tool.
The seven links of the community feedback tool will be revised into six links, merging questionnaires on prevention, PrEP, and STI services into a single link, adding a new link on community mental health risk factors, and adding a response mechanism to the questionnaire on stigma, discrimination, and gender-based violence.
This revision will strengthen the implementation of community-led monitoring (CLM) in line with national strategies and programs for responding to HIV and related services.
The meeting was supported by #DFAT#UNAIDS
FoNPAM, Joint Forum of Networks of PLHIV and MARPs, established in 2011 with UNAIDS support, includes members from various networks such as Cambodian People Living with HIV Network (CPN+), ARV Users Association (AUA), Bandanh Chaktomuk (BC) as the LGBT network, Women’s Network for Unity (WNU), National Entertainment Workers Network (NEWN), Korsang, and Cambodia Network of People Who Use Drugs (CNPUD).
Key Functions of FoNPAM is to ensure community engagement in policy and program design, implement Community-Led Monitoring (CLM) and Advocacy (CLA), and promote access to social protection and HIV-related services for PLHIV and key populations.
Community-led Monitoring (CLM) is an accountable mechanism for both national and sub-national HIV responses, led and implemented by the FoNPAMs and DFoNPAMs platforms.
CLM is led and implemented byFoNPAM in twelve priority provinces using digital data collection tools to collect data from communities of PLHIV and KP. CLM currently covers seven thematic areas: 1) Prevention and HIV Testing; 2) Pre-exposure Prophylaxis; 3) Sexually Transmitted Infections; 4) Care and Treatment, 5) Social Protection; 6) Gender-based Violence; and 7) Stigma and Discrimination.