On March 21, 2025, C/Can in close collaboration with the Ministry of Health to organize the Workshop on the Review and Endorsement of Development Workplans for Cancer Coordination Project in Phnom Penh. The project is aligned with the NCCP 2025-2030. The meeting was chaired by Louk Chumteav Krouch Rayounette, advisor to MoH and with representative from Ministry of Health, WHO, line Ministries, Hospitals and NGOs. The purpose of the meeting is to review and discuss on the draft workplan for 12 projects under the Phnom Penh Cancer Care project.
Mr. Tim Vora, Executive Director of HACC, playing a role as project coordinator of the patient education also participated and presented at this meeting.
Those 12 projects are
1. Clinical laboratory and pathology
2. Radiology and nuclear Medicine
3. Systematic treatment
4. Pediatric Oncology
5. Radiotherapy
6. Cancer surgery
7. Palliative care
8. MDT, Quality and safety (quality of care)
9. Health system coordination and management
10. Health information system and databases
11. Health financing
12. Patient education
Each project will be coordinated by a project coordinator, which aims to coordinate and facilitate with their specific members for implementation of the project. As results, all project coordinators have presented their workplan including objective, outputs, key milestones and timeframe. The project will be kick-off for implementation in late April or early May this year 2025.