With financial support from the Rockefeller Foundation through the Catalyst Management Services (CMS), HACC in collaboration with National Immunization Program supported five Provincial Health Departments in conducting capacity building training to number of health center staff in those provincial catchment areas. The five provinces are Mondulkiri, Rathanakiri, Steung Treng, Presh Vihear and Siem Reap. The main objective of the training is 1. to identity type of services of vaccination to be provided at the community and with the development of annual planning for the vaccination program, 2. To orientate all health center staff about the newly integrated guideline of Covid-19 with the routine immunization program, 3. to strengthen the existing mechanism for busting the implementation of Covid-19 vaccination program, and 4. to integrate HPV vaccination with the routine vaccination program. The HPV vaccination will be given to all girl at the age of 9 years at both community and school.
Based on the planning, Mondulkiri and Rathanakiri organized the training on 23 of August and Steung Treng, Presh Vihear and Siem Reap organized it on the 24th of August 2023. This is a one-day training like as Training of Trainer because after the training, the health center staff would continue in conducting training to their village health support groups in each health center catchment area. 2 representatives of each health center staff in all provinces were invited to join the one-day training. As results, there were 32 heath center staff from 16 health centers from Mondulkiri, 60 health center staff from 30 health centers in Rathankiri, 60 health center staff from 30 health centers in Presh Vihear, 38 health center staff from 19 heath centers in Steung Treng and 60 heath center staff from 30 heath centers in Siem Reap.
Next, the trained heath centers would continue in providing training to their VHSG on the data collection and the VHSG would conduct their field register from each village regarding the number of the above 40 years old received Covid-19 vaccination, the below 2 years old received the vaccination and to enlist the girl at the age of 9 both in school and the community to be vaccinated for HPV vaccination