Background of HACC
The Health Action Coordinating Committee (HACC) is a network of local and international NGOs working on general health issues. Established in 1995, HACC plays initial role as a network of NGO work on HIV and AIDS in Cambodia. In addition, HACC also provides number of services including coordination among Civil Society Organizations, promote the sharing of information, and experiences from the field among NGO workers responding to HIV and AIDS in Cambodia. Due to the lack of NGO coordination on health, HACC was nominated by NGO as a network of local and international NGOs are working on general health program in Cambodia. With the current members almost 100, HACC has become a strong coordinating body among CSOs in networking, coordination, information sharing, advocacy, good governance, capacity building, community empowerment and health system strengthening.
Our Vision
A Cambodian society where all individuals – in particular the most vulnerable populations ‐ have good access to quality health care and related services and live more productively.
Our Mission
HACC works to represent civil society and the community’s health needs and concerns and will contribute to reinforce and monitor2 the quality and coverage of health and related services for them.
Our Goal
Vigorously intensify the engagement of the members and the community networks in reshaping and regulating the nature and quality of health and related services for them especially the most vulnerable populations.

HACC’s Working Principles
Our work is guided by the following values:
HACC’s Steering Committee 2024-2026

Dr Sok Pun
(855) 12 898 082

Mr. Choub Sok Chamreun
(855)92 616 168

Dr. Ham Hak
(855) 12 850 665

Dr. Khem Thann
(855) 12 758 682

Mr San Vandin
(855) 12 414 689
HACC’s Staff 2024

Mr. Tim Vora
(855)77 27 52 27

Ms. Bun Monyrod
(855)12 786 565

Mr. Khun Rathana
(855)17 55 95 66

Mr. Lim Sophorn
(855)12 69 54 11

Ms. Nhek Sineath
(855)98 403 923

Mr. Lors Selak
(855)70 250 682

Mrs Sok Vanna
(855) 92 67 81 24

Mr Seum Sophal
(855) 92 46 65 38

Mrs Than Sodavattey
(855) 95 38 38 08

Miss Sopheak Lyly
(855)963 976 584

Ms. Mouy Sodavy
(855)95 890 268

Mr. Chhun Samnang
(855) 12 944 406