© 2024 HACC. All rights reserved.
The Health Action Coordinating Committee (HACC) is a network of civil society organizations working on health in Cambodia. Since 1995, HACC has been played a significant role in coordinating and networking among NGO work on HIV and AIDS and then started in early 2017, HACC has expanded its role to coordinate and networking among NGO work on general health in Cambodia. HACC is a unique NGO network on health in country to provide regular and useful information sharing on health; to network and coordinate with NGOs and stakeholders in response to health; to represent of NGOs’ voice at national forums; to raise health awareness campaigns, heath related issues and advocacy for change on any gaps in response to health.
With financial support from USAID, HACC is planning to implement the Enhancing Quality of Healthcare Activity (EQHA) II project led by FHI360 and in partnership with KHANA, ThinkWell, Kawsang and Data Elevates that aims to further improve and sustain service quality by strengthening a harmonized Cambodian high-quality health system that will lead to better health outcomes for all Cambodian. Under this sub-contract, HACC will implemente this project in three provinces including Kampong Cham, Tbong Khmom and Mondulkiri.
These objectives are:
- Improved evidence-based policy, guidelines, strategies for more effective and efficient health systems.
- Improved individual and institutional capacity of the public and private sectors to implement, monitor, and evaluate QA according to the national standards.
- Improved individual and institutional capacity of subnational health systems to provide quality services to address emerging national program priorities.
To implement this project, HACC is looking for a dynamic staff of Project Officer to implement number of assignments as below:
Technical Activities:
- Apply creative shared learning approaches to engage public and private providers in QI TA approach implementation over the course of program.
- With guidance from Project Lead and relevant technical team from FHI360, ensure consistent practice of QI implementation principles across health facilities.
- Prepare training materials and equipment needed for the training/coaching visits addressing the need to improve healthcare processes and outcomes especially within hospital NQEM 2 scores.
- Support Project Lead, PHD and OD assessors to prioritize gaps found by self-assessment of NQEM-2 in public/private hospitals and develop plan for quality improvement/change.
- Together with coaches/assessors of PHD and/or OD QI team, conduct regular coaching visits and mentor the team of public and private providers to improve quality of services through the development of hospital-wide QI plan and implementation.
- Assess the performance/functionality of the QI team of public/private hospital in relation to QI effort.
- Support Project Lead in continuing to build capacity of QI coaches who will continue the support to private and public providers to implement change ideas in the areas of MCH, TB, HIV/AIDS, and FP through the Model for Improvement approach (including Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle for testing and implementing changes).
- Support EQHA II activities at provincial and district level to roll out key activities such as the QI e-learning, minimum licensing standards, and accreditation process.
- Facilitate exchange visits and learning session event on QI TA approach implementation among and/or between public and private health facilities.
- Together with coaches/assessors of PHD and/or OD QI team to ensure the functioning of Patient Satisfaction Feedback system at hospitals and to QI manager to gather the learnings on system for Department of Hospital Services.
- Work with the team of public and private providers to validate the data and analyze QI measures using run charts.
- Work with M&E officer of FHI360 in data management and quality check and enforce and build capacity subnational health system in data utilization for QI performance measurement.
- Contribute to documentation and communication of successes and lessons from public and private health sector learned to Project Lead.
- Integrate patients’ voices in QI collaborative and effort and patients/indigenous populations are engaged in relevant EQHA II activities by implementing patient feedback system and working closely with sub-awardee (KHANA).
- Participate in technical and clinical meetings and events at the sub-national level (provincial and district levels)
- Support teams of public and private providers to prepare presentation of their results (storyboards or PowerPoint presentations) for sharing at particular events such as learning sessions, exchange visit and other relevant forums.
- Support in logistic arrangements for learning sessions or other relevant events such as Community of Practice meetings/workshops (i.e. budgeting, identify venue, participants, date, invitation, food, stationery, etc.)
Project Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting, and Learning:
- Contribute to the development of and update annual, quarterly work plans and reports, and knowledge products including functional dashboard to ensure the EQHA II’s Objective 3 activities are implemented successfully as planned.
- Support M&E Officer in collecting project indicators data and improving data validation, data analysis, data accessibility, data utilization, and QI dashboard.
- Ensure output and deliverables data are uploaded to data systems.
- Work closely with MERL team of FHI360 to collect and monitor donor and performance indicators.
- Contribute to technical content of the progress reports.
- Contribute to achieving and producing technical deliverables (e.g., reports, presentations,
- manuscripts).
- Gathers and aggregates data to provide a summary / high level overview as needed.
- Bachelor's Degree in medicine, Public Health, Healthcare Management, and/or any other relevant
- Having experiences with health sector or used to work with Provincial Health Department in any targeted provinces.
- Experiences in the implementation of health quality improvement for both public and private.
- Good communication record with working with national programs, MoH and PHDs
- Long years experience with health programs.
- Good listener and understanding with the highly responsible, flexible person and keep confidential information.
Application procedures:
Interest candidate should submit their CV and covering letter to HACC recruitment email: afm@hacccambodia.org , applications must be submitted by close of business on 03rd December 2024. Only short-listed candidates will be call for interview.