© 2024 HACC. All rights reserved.
The Cambodian Health and Education for Community (CHEC) is a local non-governmental organization that has established positive reputations and relationships in the HIV/AIDS, health, & reproductive health sectors, and have long-established relationships with local health providers, Commune Council, Village Chiefs, and community members, establishing district networks, referral systems, self-help groups, mobilsing and educating communities, and working with and providing for a range of beneficiaries including women, youths and children. Currently, CHEC is seeking applications from Cambodian candidates for the position of Administrator/Communication Officer. This is a full time position, based in Phnom Penh.
- Coordinate office management.
- Prepare and make presentations about CHEC Programme activities to CHEC visitors and stakeholders etc as required
- Represent CHEC at forums and events at national, provincial and local levels
- Participate in the formulation of Programme policies and strategies, the development and implementation of detailed work plans, and staff meetings
- Assist the programme in implementing events and campaigns
- Quarterly review and follow-up with all Programme staff to ensure reports are on time and appropriate
- Gather information and story ideas from project units, write articles for CHEC newsletters, update web contents and relevant IEC materials.
- Prepare annual report and printing for dissemination
- Assist the program staff in developing IEC materials and update website of CHEC regularly
- Dissemination of Documents, IEC materials, guidelines and recommendations /research findings to all relevant parties;
- Follow all Comprehensive Sexuality Education and GBV news and collate information items for dissemination among CHEC staff
- Ensure that all CHEC’s staff are working on a good working environment.
- Attend NGO/government groups meeting as a representative of CHEC, particularly on the topics related to HR, Admin, and IT.
- A university degree in Business Administration and other related field.
- At least 3 years’ working experience in HR and Admin management.
- Experience in web development and designing
- Excellent Communication skills
- Deeply understand HR and Admin policies.
Interested candidates should send their detailed resume with a cover letter to the attention of CHEC officer at CHEC office #6 S, Street 265, Sangkat Toeuk Laak 3, Toul Kork, Phnom Penh or email to chec@online.com.kh. Job Description for this position is available at CHEC office. Please note that only short listed candidates will be contacted for interviews.
Deadline for submitting application is September 06, 2024