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CAC take role in providing PLHIV with counseling and educational supports on retention in services, ARV drug adherence, support ACC in PMTCT cascade, mental health, STI and TB and performing partner notification, tracing, and HIV testing (PNTT) services as well as work crosscutting with other projects of CRS to serve the poor and vulnerable. Your service and community interpersonal skills contribute to projects that benefit local communities that consistently applies best practices and continuously works towards improving its impact.
Support new case detection
- CACs, in close collaboration with FBW and ART team at the facility, conduct index case tracing among PLHIV by offering PNTT services following the national latest SOP.
Support newly diagnosed with HIV
- CACs work with ART team to provide counseling to newly diagnosed HIV-positive patients for HIV testing.
Support the retention in care and treatment
- CACs educate PLHIV about the importance of having regular viral load and CD4 test with retention in services.
- CACs support to FBW/CAW/AMC in developing and/or updating the contact list of PLHIV in their coverage site.
- CACs support FBW and ART team to assess and update the list of stable and greatest need PLHIV in the coverage site (base on the standard guideline of CAA SOP).
- CACs provide individual or group education/counseling session on mental health, HIV/HPV/STI transmission-prevention, TB, support ACC for working in PMTCT cascade, PNTT, ART adherence and viral load testing, and promotion of immediate ART initiation (Treat All).
- CACs work with FBW, AMC, and CMA at ART site to update the list of PLHIV miss appointment or who have lost-to-follow-up (LTFU) on bi-weekly basis.
- CAC Work with other CRS project to follow up miss-appointment and lost to follow up cases for bring them back to services.
- CACs work with FBW/AMC to explore for and make/update list of PLHIV who have poor adherence and for those with the detectable viral load to provide them with proper adherence counseling (EAC) and follow-up arrangement.
- CACs follow-up closely with provide counseling to those who confirmed failure treatment and have switched to second- or third-line regimen to leverage the adherence situation.
General duties
- Develop a quarterly/monthly work plan for their own tasks and send to direct supervisor.
- Attend regular GOC or other meetings at OD/hospital/ART site level.
- Attend necessary training to improve performance.
- Collect feedback from PLHIV and report to supervisor and ART team.
- Record all necessary information using designed form and report to supervisor.
- Have experience in the health-related project especially related to counseling and education at ART facility at least 2 years up.
- Have good interpersonal communication and collaboration with health care providers especially ART team.
- Had education at grade 9 up.
- Basic knowledge in English especially some words related to ARV/ART and care.
Interest candidate should submit their CV and covering letter on or before August 14, 2024 to CRS recruitment email: kh.recruitment@crs.org, or send to CRS Cambodia Office: Emerald Building # 64, Preah Norodom Blvd, Corner Street 178, Sangkat Cheychumneas, Khan Daun Penh, Phnom Penh, Cambodia.